The Air We Breathe

Monday, January 13, 2014

She spun the bolt and, staying behind the door, pulled it open so she was trapped against the corner of the wall, the glass between her and Tobias. “Go,” she said again. It hurt to say it, the word barbed wire in her mouth, because she wanted him to stay, too. She wanted someone to strip off her skin and look beneath, to the issue and vessel and bone, and see everything that she kept hidden away – to prove she wasn’t wax but flesh. She wanted normal.

Book: The Air We Breathe by Christa Parrish, Bethany House Publishers, 2012
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 17+
Subjects: Fear, Loss, Faith
Summary: She may be seventeen but it doesn’t seem like it. She’s still a ten year old terrified of the bad men who kidnapped her after killing her father. She’s still hiding inside the house, refusing to go out. She’s tired of it though. She longs for the freedom the outside world promises, but she has no idea how to embrace it. She can’t get over the fear that holds her captive. Once there was a woman who tried to help her. She would take the terrified ten year old out for ice-cream and get her to talk when she was refusing to speak to anyone. The woman told her about Jesus, the One who could offer her hope and peace from her fears. A second terror-filled moment changed all that and sent she and her mom on the run. Now her world is shifting again and she wants it to. The question is can she stand to breathe in the air of the outside world or will the very freedom she longs for become her destruction?
Notes: A stand-alone novel, The Air We Breathe tells the story of Hanna, a seventeen year old still suffering from a kidnapping she experienced as a child, as well as witnessing the murder of her father. It also tells the story of Claire, a woman who lost her children in a car accident and can’t seem to move on with her life after that tragedy. When the two hurting souls find one another healing begins. The little girl heard a tv preacher talking of someone who could save her while she was in captivity. All she heard before the channel was changed was that she needed to ask for help from Je… and so she prays and asks Gee for help and He provides it. When Claire enters her life and tells her more of Jesus, Hanna puts her trust in Him and studies His Word as she grows, deepening her faith. When she and Claire meet again years later and Claire attempts to coax Hanna from her self-imposed captivity, Hanna must put her faith to work in her life to conquer her fears.
Spiritual Content Recommendation Scale: 4.5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi

Daniel 2:22 – He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.


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