“If I had me way, you’d both be in the river
and out of my way. Course, you might still fetch me a pretty penny,” he added,
pushing his pistol against Zack’s shoulder. “Move along, now.”
Genre: Historical Fiction
Target Audience: Boys 10-14
Subjects: Civil War, Friendship,
Slavery, Mercy
Summary: They didn’t mean any harm!
They just wanted a closer look at the war ship before it sailed out the next
morning. So Ben & Zack took the raft out but got caught in a storm and
tried to take shelter in an old cabin, not knowing some of the rebels were
using it as a base! Now they’re in the hands of the enemy being made to work as
slaves. Their only hope for escape lies in the hands of another prisoner, but
one who is also their enemy!
Spiritual Content
Recommendation Scale: 4/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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