“Yes, I think you
will find this assignment challenging, but also very rewarding. This will be
quite different from Noah’s ark, so listen well. First, since you now know you
are on assignment from the Maker, you will be given specific – although limited
– instructions in advance, Gillamon explained. “The mission will begin with the
four of you together on a caravan headed to the center of power in Egypt.”
Book: The Dreamer, The Schemer &; The Robe (The Amazing Tales of Max &; Liz, Book Two)
by Jenny L. Cote, Living Ink Publishers, 2009
Genre: Fantasy/Historical Fiction
Target Audience: Boys and Girls 10-15
Subjects: Biblical History, Trials,
Trust in God
Summary: Now that Max, Kate, Al and Liz
have learned a bit about following the Maker and have been gifted with
immortality, He is sending them on another mission. A young man named Joseph
and his family are in need of some assistance and the Maker is sending these
special animals to provide it. The biggest difference between this mission and
the last is that the animals know ahead of time that there will be extreme
trials and challenges. Max and Kate will be separated for years and even Al and
Liz will be separated for a time.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Genesis 50:20 – You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the
saving of many lives.
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