“Alisah, I want
to talk to you.” Tova’s eyebrows were knit together and she licked her lips.
“We have to help Mother and Father. We have no brothers to help Father tend the
flocks, and he grows worse each day. Our situation grows worse. Soon there will
be no food to eat.”
Book: Priceless Jewel at the Well: The Diary of Rebekah's Nursemaid, Canaan, 1986-1985 B.C. (Promised Land Diaries)
Anne Adams, Baker Book House, 2004
Genre: Historical/Biblical Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 11-16
Subjects: Story of Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob
and Esau, sacrifice, relationships with family
Summary: Sacrifice is required. And
it’s up to the two oldest daughers to make that sacrifice. Tova agrees to marry
the neighbor and Alisah is sent away to work for Rebekah and her family. At
first Alisah is scared and frustrated. She has no desire to leave her family and
the other girls in her new home don’t seem to like her much. And the older
servant who she is supposed to help seems unconvinced that Alisah’s help is a
good thing. Can anything good come of this servitude?
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
Philippians 2:3 – Do nothing out of selfish
ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than
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