The questions we want to know is this one: Does Jesus still use simple people like us to change the world?
Book: You Were Made To Make A Difference
by Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop with Natalie Gillespie, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2010
Genre: Non-fiction
Target Audience: Girls & Boys 12-18
Subjects: Missions, Purpose
Summary: Do you ever wonder what your purpose in existence is? Do you feel as though you have nothing to give, as though your life is pointless? If so, this book can encourage you. Well-known author Max Lucado with the help of his daughter and Natalie Gillespie wrote this book to talk about your purpose in existence, what your Creator designed you for. The focus is that “You were made to be a world-changer – yes you”.
Notes: This book is written in a journal or scrapbook style with little sections here and there. It’s designed to look a bit like a bulletin board with notes tacked or stuck to it in various places. It is written directly to the reader, as though they were there having a conversation with the teen. There are sections for journaling and questions to consider, snippets of stories about teens who are currently making a difference in some way, verses to look up and read, and research projects to do. The goal is to get teens to wake up and realize they were created for an amazing purpose and should not let their “youth” stand in the way of doing great things for God.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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