“Well,” Solona said, reach for her backpack. “You forget: I don’t let the Bible dictate my life. It’s great that you think of sex as sacred and all that, but I personally believe it’s up to each individual person. I do think sex is special. And that’s why I plan to wait for the right person, someone I’m really in love with, someone who feels the same about me.”
Book: Good-Bye To All That
by Jeanette Hanscome, Focus On The Family Publishing, 2002
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Target Audience: Girls 15-20
Subjects: Sex, dating relationships, friendships
Summary: Solona has no intention whatsoever of having sex with any random person. But she has no intention whatsoever of waiting for marriage either, just the right guy and the right setting. Enter Ramon – good looking, smart, interested in her, a gentleman, and someone who shares her beliefs. But giving herself away just feels empty, not fulfilling like she thought it would be. Will her relationship with Ramon ever be the same? Will she ever be the same?
Notes: Solona, the one member of the Brio group that is not a Christian gets to experience some of the consequences of trying life outside of God’s plan. Everything is perfect about Ramon and the setting is just right. It’s everything the way she wanted it. But it doesn’t bring it fulfillment, but emptiness and a realization that she gave away some precious that she can never get back. Her friends who have decided to wait seem wise all of a sudden. This book does an amazing job of discussing the issue of sex outside of marriage – from all viewpoints. There’s the jerks in the locker room that think girls are there for the taking. There’s the extremist Hannah who not only won’t have sex, but won’t even date or go anywhere alone with a boy – even to get a ride home. There’s Becca who is dating another Christian that she cares deeply about who just makes an effort to avoid being alone in situations where she would be tempted, who openly admits that there are times she wants to go all the way with her boyfriend, but sticks to her decision to wait till marriage. And then of course there’s Solona with her views that sex is special, but not because of God and shouldn’t be limited to marriage, only to true love. I highly recommend this book if you want to see all perspectives and the consequences of not waiting.
Recommendation Scale: 5/5
Reviewer: J:-)mi