And 1 more for the day, just because! ;-)
#1 - The Last Stubborn Buffalo in Nevada (The Adventures of Nathan T. Riggins 4)
Genre: Historical
Target Audience: Boys 12-15
Subject: Prayer
Summary: Nathan T. Riggins is now the proud owner of perhaps the last buffalo in all of Nevada. Except... how can you own a buffalo that keeps breaking loose and destroying things and has a whole group of people trying to kill him? So Nathan comes up with another plan: donate the buffalo to the state to put in a zoo! Except... the last time this buffalo traveled anywhere he utterly destroyed multiple train cars! And he doesn't exactly "herd" like a cow or horse! So what is Nathan to do?
Notes: Nathan knows just where to turn when he needs help. And God is right there listening. He doesn't always give exactly what we want, but He is there loving and caring for us. If you enjoy western novels, you'll definitely enjoy the Adventures Of Nathan T. Riggins series! This book is fun, playful, delightful. It's not that intense, it's just a fun read - just like the author's adult novels.
Recommendation Scale: 4 (for fun and lighthearted, but not the most powerful)
Reviewer: J:-)mi
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